Altova StyleVision Enterprise v2007.3.1 英文正式版(可視化表單設計器軟體)
Altova StyleVision 2007 是一款終極的可視化表單設計器,可以把XML和數據庫內容轉換
成HTML,PDF,Word/RTF輸出,支援XSLT,XSL, FO, CSS和大多數的數據庫。
Altova StyleVision 2007 is the ultimate electronic
forms, database report, and stylesheet designer for
transforming XML and database content into HTML,
PDF, and Word/RTF output. StyleVision 2007 supports
XSLT 1.0/2.0, XSL:FO, and all major databases. In
one simple step you can access XML or database data,
process it, and render it into intuitive Authentic
electronic forms and eye-catching HTML pages, PDF
reports, and Word/RTF documents.
Altova StyleVision 2007 features a unique visual
design interface for creating stylesheets to
transform XML and database data into multiple output
formats. Because StyleVision 2007 produces XSLT and
XSL:FO stylesheets, plus HTML, PDF, RTF/Word and
Authentic Form output simultaneously, developers and
designers no longer need to spend countless hours
hand-coding and testing intricate stylesheets to
transform the same content into multiple formats.
Featuring the industry's first production-ready
implementation of the W3C's XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0
specifications, StyleVision 2007 is the only tool
of its kind with the power to simplify the
development of effective multi-purpose stylesheets
and database reports while increasing productivity
and reducing costs.
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Intuit Quickbooks Enterprise Solutions v9.0 英文正式版(企業財務解決方案軟體)
ETimeInc Easy Tracker 2009 Enterprise Edition v5.1.5.936 英文正式版(跟蹤商務花費軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1138.0 英文正式版(資產管理軟軟體)
AssetManage Enterprise 2015 v15.0.0.13 英文正式版(資產跟蹤軟體)