YourKit Profiler for NET v4.0.6 英文正式版(元件開發軟體)
Use our keygen in /iNViSiBLE dir:
java -jar keygen.jar
or use keygen.bat
Press 'Patch' in keygen and navigate to
installdir/lib and choose yjp.jar.
Wait till patching process is completed.
Generate your serial number and register app with it.
YourKit Profiler for dot NET是一個包含了所有Xceed頂級.NET和ActiveX可視化元件的開發工
YourKit Profiler provides zero-overhead profiling
for your .NET applications and makes code
profiling and memory usage optimization simple
and fast.
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v3.1.319 x86 英文正式版(記憶體軟體)
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v3.5.162 英文正式版(記憶體洩漏並優化記憶體軟體)
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v3.1.319 英文正式版(記憶體軟體)
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v3.5.162 x64 英文正式版(記憶體洩漏並優化記憶體軟體)
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v3.1.312 英文正式版(優化記憶體軟體)
YourKit Java Profiler v8.0.8 英文正式版(程式性能分析軟體)
SciTech NET Memory Profiler v4.0.114 英文正式版(找到記憶體洩漏並優化記憶體使用的軟體)